Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Posture: Bakasana

baka = crane
but a.k.a. crow

This posture is often used as a transition posture into a headstand. From standing, squat down keeping big toes together and separating the knees. Lower hands in front of feed, spreading the fingers wide. As you come to the tip-toes, draw knees into triceps/armpits and lean forward with torso and head. Round the spine, taking the weight of the torso onto the upper arms and keep the head up, the gaze out in front. To release, either slowly return feet to the mat or jump back with an exhalation into chaturanga dandasana.

This is one of my favorite postures... it poses a challenge for sure but also measures the strength of the upper body. Keep trying, it's one that definitely gets easier with practice!

Benefits include: strengthens arms and wrists * stretches through the upper back * strengthens abdominal muscles * opens groins * tones abdominal organs

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