Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Sun is shining...

Beautiful day out. I decided to run a few errands before the 6pm class tonight. While at Target, roaming the aisles shopping for some items for the studio (and eyeing a few items for me) I had two interactions with employees. Both were ter-rib-ble!! I mean, I understand working at Target may not be the best gig in the world but are people seriously that unhappy? I got a nasty look from one lady and the other who rang me up never once made eye contact with me. Growing up, my sister and I used to joke about people like this and say, "What crawled up your butt and died?" So bad I know. Of course, these unpleasant people didn't stop my from making my purchases, but I couldn't help but run out of there feeling crappy.
I felt the urge to run into Starbucks prior to my return to the studio and I was not gonna slide into the Target one. So I drove to the nearest one already anticipating a barista-ttitude! Nontheless, I headed in, placed my order and to my surprise exchanged not only nice small talk with the young guy at the counter, but even a laugh about how we both thought it was still morning (I got a 'good mornin' as I walked in). Silly I know, but let me tell you, it felt good after what I had just gone through. As the barista called out, 'mam... ' I headed to back to the counter to pick up my drink and he handed it over saying, 'has anyone told you today how beautiful you are?' I had to chuckle and scurry out after saying thank you. I'm flattered really, but that's not what this is about. You see, it amazes me that from one minute to the other I went from feeling pretty damn shitty to GREAT! If only more people took the time to realize what being nice to others does... perhaps we could contribute to a much happier society (or atleast shopping experience)! This is not about Target or Starbucks, it's about leaving a lasting impression on someone who just may be a complete and total stranger. A smile goes a L-O-N-G way believe you me! A nice gesture or remark goes even further - especially in the service industry (which we are all a part of in some form or another).
The Sun came out today after a slew of rainy, cold and grey days. Now back at the studio... I'm feeling the love and the light!

1 comment:

  1. Some people are afraid to be nice; others just don't know how. I LOVE smiling at people. Sometimes they dig it, sometimes it makes them uncomfortable. And to all the people who try to bring me down, I tell 'em to go piss up a rope ;)
