Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Posture: Lord of the Dance Pose

nata = actor, dancer, mime
raja = king

Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose). Shift weight onto right food and lift left heel toward left cheek (not facial cheek). Tee hee. Pull the knee cap up to keep the standing leg straight and strong. Reach back with left hand and grasp the outside of the left foot or ankle. Avoid compression in the low back by actively lifting your pubis toward your navel, while at the same time pressing your tailbone toward the floor.
Begin to lift left foot up, away from the floor and back, away from your torso. Extend left thigh behind you and parallel to the floor. Stretch right arm forward, in front of torso and parallel to the floor. And smile.
Hold posture for 20-30 seconds. Release the grasp on the foot, place left foot back and onto floor. Repeat for the same length of time on other side. 

Benefits: stretches the shoulders and chest * stretches the thighs, groins and abdomen * strengthens the legs and ankles * improves balance


  1. Dancer’s pose can be a little tricky but good for balance once you get there. Leeann Carey, an amazing yoga teacher also says that you can make modifications to make the pose easier for you. She has a free yoga video on this that I thought you’d like: http://www.planetyoga.com/yoga-blogs/free-yoga-video-dancers-pose/

  2. I'll surely check it out. Thanks for reading! ~ Namaste
