Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Posture: Adho Mukha Svanasana

(AH-doh MOO-kah shvah-NAHS-anna)
adho = downward
mukha = face
svana = dog

Aka Downward facing dog, Adho Mukha Svanasana is a pose in the traditional Sun Salutation sequence. My students know this very well.  : ) From upward facing dog or all-fours, lift the sitting bones up toward the ceiling and stretch through the hamstrings. Lower the heels towards the mat and straighten legs, but don't lock the knees. Spread the fingers wide and press evenly through fingertips and knuckles. Firm the shoulder blades against the back, then widen them and draw them towards the tailbone. Keep the head between the upper arms. 

Benefits: calms the brain and helps revitalize stress and mild depression * energizes the body * stretches shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches and hands * helps relieve symptoms of menopause * relieves menstrual discomfort * helps prevent osteoporosis * improves digestion * relieves headache, insomnia, back pain, and fatigue * therapeutic for high blood pressure, asthma, flat feet, sciatica and sinusitis

Holy moly with all these wonderful benefits, we should ALL be doing this posture DAILY! 

Be cautious of the following: carpal tunnel syndrome * diarrhea * if you're pregnant, don't do this posture late-term

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